Incorrect Back Posture And Back Pain
Introduction Proper posture is essential to maintain spinal health and structure. Any deformity in the spine may result in back pain . Various conventional treatment options are available. However, in case these treatments do not provide relief, surgery is advised to the patient. Effect Of Incorrect Posture On Back Proper back posture is important to avoid back problems. Prolong poor posture may result in detrimental effects on the back and spine. Following are some of the conditions that may occur due to poor posture: Back, shoulder, and neck pain: Back, neck and shoulder pain are the most common occurrences due to poor posture. Even if the wrong posture does not cause pain in the back, it may aggravate the underlying back problems that already exist. Misaligned spine: The spine is misaligned due to poor posture. It may result in muscle spasm. Constricted nerves: Poor posture may result in the shifting of your bones. The shifting may result in compressing the nearby nerves....