Spinal Cord Stimulation-Best Neurologist In Gurgaon
Introduction Spinal cord stimulation is the technique used to relieve the pain of the spinal cord. The technique involves the use of low-voltage electric current. It is widely used to prevent the pain, especially of legs and arms. As Spinal cord stimulation has some risks, the technique should be performed by the best neurologist in Rewari . What Is Spinal Cord Stimulation? Spinal cord stimulation is a technique which is used for the treatment of chronic pain or back pain. Chronic pain is the pain that persists for 12 weeks or longer. Chronic pain is commonly caused form arthritis of the spine, spinal stenosis, disk problems and myofascial pain syndrome (unexpected muscles pain and tenderness). Spinal cord stimulation is an FDA approved pain relief technique. In this procedure, a low voltage currentis continuously delivered in the spinal cord to block the sensation of pain through a small device known as spinal cord stimulators. This therapy is done in case of chronic pain,...