Spinal Cord Stimulation-Best Neurologist In Gurgaon



Spinal cord stimulation is the technique used to relieve the pain of the spinal cord. The technique involves the use of low-voltage electric current. It is widely used to prevent the pain, especially of legs and arms. As Spinal cord stimulation has some risks, the technique should be performed by the best neurologist in Rewari.

What Is Spinal Cord Stimulation?

Spinal cord stimulation is a technique which is used for the treatment of chronic pain or back pain. Chronic pain is the pain that persists for 12 weeks or longer. Chronic pain is commonly caused form arthritis of the spine, spinal stenosis, disk problems and myofascial pain syndrome (unexpected muscles pain and tenderness).

Spinal cord stimulation is an FDA approved pain relief technique. In this procedure, a low voltage currentis continuously delivered in the spinal cord to block the sensation of pain through a small device known as spinal cord stimulators. This therapy is done in case of chronic pain, leg pain and arm pain when other non-invasive therapy fails to provide adequate relief.

How Spinal Cord Stimulation Is Done?

  • This procedure is done with local anesthesia. In this procedure, the surgeon will make a small incision in the middle of the backto expose vertebra.
  • Leads are placed by removing the bony arch which delivers stimulation to epidural space of the spinal cord.
  • A wire from the lead is passed under the skin from spine to buttock where the stimulator is implanted
  • The doctor will make a second incision below the waistline and create a pocket in the skin to hold the neurostimulators
  • The lead is connected to the neurostimulator
  • The incision is closed with the help of sutures, stitches and skin glue.
  • The incision is covered with a dressing.

What Are The Benefits Of Spinal Cord Stimulation?

  • Decreased use of opioid medication: Spinal cord stimulation can reduce the need for drugs. Since chronic pain is long-lasting pain, the patients may take opioids for a long time which may cause side effects.
  • Pain relief: It provides a pain relief treatment to patients by continuously transfer a low voltage current in the spinal cord which blocks the sensation of pain. It is a complete pain relief treatment.
  • Minimally invasive procedure: In this technique doctor will make a small incision for implantation of stimulators.
  • Have few side effects: Spinal cord stimulation has fewer side effects becauseit is performed by making a small incision and the recovery time is quite low after the surgery.

What Are The Complications Of Spinal Cord Stimulation?

  • Device malfunctions: Device related problem is common due to unintended movement of leads, damaged leads and failed connection of leads.
  • Shock or burns:Some patients feel shock and burns and also suffer from spinal nerve damage after spinal cord stimulation therapy.
  • Infections: Infection is a rare and serious complication of spinal cord stimulation. The infection may be caused even after one year of device implantation.
  • Pain comes back: After a year of therapy, the patient should feel pain in back because nerve stop responding to neuromodulations.
  • Paralysis: It is a rare complication of spinal cord stimulation. Paralysis is causedin case of spinal nerve damage.

What Are The Types Of Spinal Cord Stimulators?

  • Conventional implantable pulse generator: It is a battery-powered micron electronic device. In this is technique a battery is placed in the spinal cord at the time of surgery. When the battery runs out, it can be replaced in other operation. It is a good treatment for people who have pain in just one part of the body because this requires minimum energy for the treatment of pain.
  • Rechargeable implantable pulse generator: Similar to conventional implantable pulse generator it is a better option for neurostimulator. Because it has a rechargeable energy source, no surgery is required to replace the battery.
  • Radiofrequency stimulator: It is the oldest design of stimulators. In this device, a battery is used from outside of the body. It is rarely used stimulators because of newer devices and advanced technology.
  • Tags- Neurosurgeon Doctor In Gurgaon Best Neurologist In Gurgaon Deep Brain Stimulation In Gurgaon


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