Brain Aneurysm: Diagnosis And Best Treatment

Brain Aneurysm: Diagnosis And Best Treatment

The brain contains a large number of blood vessels for transporting important chemicals in and out of the brain. In normal cases, these vessels are smooth without any structural abnormality. However, in some cases, these vessels form a bulb or balloon. This condition is known as a brain aneurysm. These balloons may rupture and cause a brain hemorrhage. The patients having symptoms of a brain aneurysm should consult with Neurosurgeon in Faridabad.

What Is Brain Aneurysm?

brain aneurysm is a condition characterized by bulging or ballooning of blood vessels of the brain. There is a weak area in the blood vessel of the brain. This area, due to the constant flow of blood, worn out and bulges in the form of a hanging berry. As the blood vessel is weak from that position, it carries the risk of getting ruptured.
There are two types of brain aneurysms.

  • Saccular aneurysms: This is the most common type of brain aneurysm. These aneurysms comprise of a neck and a dome. Aneurism is connected to the parent vessel through the neck.
  • Fusiform aneurysm: This is a less common type of brain aneurysm. These aneurysms do not have definite neck and are widened from both sides of the arteries.

What Is The Cause Of Brain Aneurysm?

Although the exact cause of brain aneurysm remains unknown, it is believed that aneurysm may be caused due to following reasons:

  • Marfan’s syndrome: Formation of the connective tissue in the body is controlled by various genes. Any alteration in the functioning of these genes may result in weak arteries, not only in the brain but in other parts of the body. Marfan’s syndrome, which is a genetic condition, affects such genes.
  • Brain Injury: Brain aneurysm may also be caused by brain injury. The traumatic brain injury causes tear in the brain tissues which may also lead to a brain aneurysm.
  • Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: This condition primarily affects the kidney and have an impact on the brain. While it causes cysts in the brain tissue, it also weakens the vessels. 
  • Miscellaneous: Various other probable causative factor includes smoking, serious infection and chronic hypertensive condition.

What Are The Symptoms Of Brain Aneurysm?

In many cases, patients suffering from brain aneurysm do not experience any symptoms. The symptoms related to unruptured brain aneurysm include:

  • Dizziness
  • Seizures
  • Blurred vision
  • Vision changes
  • Mild to severe headache
A ruptured brain aneurysm may have the following symptoms:
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Lack of consciousness
  • Neck stiffness
  • Increased sensitivity to light
  • Difficulty walking and speaking
  • Sudden and severe headache.

Immediate medical intervention is required in patients with the symptoms of a ruptured aneurysm.

What Are The Risk Factors For Developing Brain Aneurysm?

Following are some factor that increases the risk of developing brain aneurysm:

  • Age: Old age people are at higher risk of developing a brain aneurysm.
  • High blood pressure: Because of the constant blood flow through blood vessels, the vessels become weak or worn out leading to a brain aneurysm.
  • Cigarette smoking: Cigarette smoking significantly increases the risk of a brain aneurysm because smoking weakens the blood vessel which may result in bulging.
  • Alcohol consumption: Alcohol consumption and its intensity also influence the development of brain aneurysms.
  • Factors present by birth: Various congenital conditions may result in an increased risk of developing a brain aneurysm. These include Polycystic kidney disease, Cerebral arteriovenous malformation, Inherited connective tissue disorders, Abnormally narrow aorta, and Family history of a brain aneurysm.

How The Diagnosis Of Brain Aneurysm Is Done?

In many cases, brain aneurysm doe not show the symptoms and the condition is diagnosed while diagnosis other ailments. Following are some of the diagnostic techniques for diagnosing brain aneurysm:

  • Imaging technique: Various imaging techniques such as MRI are employed to diagnose the disease. MRI angiography identifies the presence of an aneurysm.
  • Cerebrospinal fluid test: The cerebrospinal fluid test may indicate the presence of blood cells in the region between the brain and thin tissue covering, the area known as subarachnoid space.
  • Cerebral angiogram:Cerebral angiogram is the procedure in which a flexible tube has inserted the artery and it travels through the vessels in the brain. The results are drawn with the help of X-ray images obtained through the procedure.

What Is The Best Treatment Of Brain Aneurysm?

Following are the treatment options for brain aneurysm:

  • Endovascular coiling: It is a less invasive procedure in which a soft wire is transported to the aneurysm and the wire coils up inside the aneurysm.
  • Surgical clipping: Through brain surgery, the blood flow to the aneurysm is stopped.
  • Management of symptoms and reduction of risk: Various drugs are used for these purposes such as Anti-seizure medications, analgesics or pain relievers and calcium channel blockers.
  • Lifestyle changes: Healthy eating, doing routine exercise and staying away from recreational drugs, smoking and alcohol also helps to manage the symptoms of a brain aneurysm.
  • tags- Neurosurgeon Doctor In Gurgaon Best Neurologist In Gurgaon Deep Brain Stimulation In Gurgaon



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