Neck Pain Treatment in Gurgaon

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Because of long hours spent on the computer, the causes of neck pain are increasing at a rapid rate. Incorrect posture and stress are another reason for neck pain. Various factors trigger neck pain. Neck pain may be treated through different treatment strategies including medications, physical therapy, and surgery.

Causes Of Neck Pain

  • Cervical spondylosis: Cervical spondylosis is an age-related disease which causes pain and stiffness in the neck. The condition is also commonly known as arthritis of the neck. Wear and tear occur with age in this condition. Neck pain may also be the result of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Osteoporosis: In osteoporosis, bones become weak and brittle. This may also cause neck pain.
  • Fibromyalgia: This is a common condition related to pain in muscles. Neck pain is caused because of fibromyalgia in the neck and shoulders.
  • Muscles strain: Muscles strains occur when you spend too much time on the computer and the smartphone. Muscles strains in the neck also cause form reading on bed and grinding the teeth.
  • Injuries: Neck pain is also caused bya form ofa whiplash injury. A whiplash injury occurs form any car accident. This type of injury cause jerk in the head from backward to forward, cause damage in muscles and band in the tissue of muscles which are connected to the bone.  Neck injury is also caused during sports and due to a fall.
  • Pinched nerve: Pinched nerve usually develops due to nerve compression. The herniated disk cause compression on nerves which results in inflammation. As a result of inflammation in the neck, neck pain develops.
  • Meningitis: In this condition,the neck becomes stiff which cause neck pain. Meningitis is caused when the protective layer of the brain, known as meninges, get inflamed and infected.

Triggers Of Neck Pain

  • Arthritis: Arthritis is an age-related disease which worsens with the age. In this condition the bones and muscles become weak and the chance of fracture is increased. Arthritis may also trigger neck pain.
  • Sitting duration: If you sit on your working table for a long time then your alignment becomes poor. Poor neck alignment can trigger neck pain.
  • Exercise frequency: Doing improper exercise technique results in muscular strain. As a result of muscles strain, you can feel pain in the neck.
  • Wrong sleeping posture: Neck pain is triggered by too much strain on the muscles of the neck. When the neck is not lying incorrect posture, the blood flow in the neck is inhibited which trigger neck pain.
  • Psychological stress: stress also triggers neck pain. When you are tensed, your neck muscles become stiff which trigger your pain during movement.

Treatment Of Neck Pain

Medication: Your doctor will recommend you some medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscles relaxants, and antidepressantsto treat neck pain. The medications may include oral, topical or injectable dosage forms. In severe cases of neck pain, injections are preferred due to its rapid onset of action.

Surgical and other procedures

  • Steroid injection: Your doctor will inject corticosteroids to reduce pain. In some cases, your doctor will also inject numbing medication such as lidocaine to reduce pain.
  • Cervical spinal fusion: If your neck pain is causedby spinal instability then your doctor recommends you cervical spinal fusion. In this procedure, your surgeon will permanently correct your spine by using a screw and by placing a bone graft.

Therapies: Your doctor will advise you to take some  therapy to treat neck pain such as;

  • Physical therapy: You can ask a physical therapist for neck strengthening exercise. Take advice regarding alignment strengthening exercise and about a correct posture. You can also use heat, ice packs and electrical stimulation therapy to decrease neck pain.
  • Traction: During this procedure, your neck is gently stretch by using weights, an air bladder, and pulleys. This therapy is used to reduce pain, especially which is caused due to nerve root irritation. Traction is performed under the supervision of a physical therapist and medical professional.
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation: In this technique, electrodes are attachedin that particular part where pain develops. A small current with low voltage is applied through electrodes on the skin. Electrical voltage stimulates nerve resulting in pain reduction.
  • Short term immobilizations: Your doctor will prescribe you a soft collar. Soft collar imparts some pressure on the neck to reduce pain. Although you can wear this maximum for three hours a day and use this for one to two weeks, the exact time and frequency will be advised by your doctor.


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